And from all areas of the application of public relations, organizing and implementing this space, it is considered to be the most absorbent mobile printing, in particular – the media. Despite this demand for these sectors, the current degree of elaboration of its subject matter varies. Genres available media journalism today, who knows how to present the central figurative-expressive instrument is the word, but a form of functioning more dialogue acts have serious social implications. This is due to the fact that the communication process, expressed predominantly Relational speech two or more interlocutors in fact constitutes one of the «windows» in the corresponding period of the existing socio-political system. Dialogical method of display allows more intelligibly convey information through mobile media, and because of this, more effectively compared with other genres to influence the masses. Unfortunately, ignoring the active dissemination of the new century with fresh country socio-cultural construct, obliged to perform developing, modern society often neglects issues of the creativity and, according to him, – problems inspire the creativity of public relations (including the media both print and audio, video, Internet). Special attention in this regard deserves South Russia, as a region, indicative of the info-communication interaction. The urgency of the problems involved reinforced the growing attention to the other subsystems of the regional area, such as newspapers. According to recent generalizations, lack of implementation of Adygea in the modern world standards of media activity is due to a complex of reasons. The most important among them are historical, cultural and professional-personal nature. Adyge culture belongs to the newly created written cultures that did not have their own written language in the national language before the revolution, therefore, does not have such a significant experience in media communications and journalism national traditions as the central regions. Some impact on the quality of the press has no own national journalistic shots.
At the same time requires explanation and updates regarding the problems indicated a strong position in Adygea scientific publications. Since the second half of the XX century, when science has undergone a qualitative change, began a new stage in the formation of scientific issues in the media. At this time, there is an active development of scientific, technical and popular science journalism, including formed periodicals universities. In the second half of XX century. fast enough, a system of media covering the problems of science, popularization of scientific knowledge. However, at the turn of the XXI century in the Russian press on the media system created by the introduction into the mass consciousness of scientific and technological progress is almost nothing left. In the 90 of the last century came a deep systemic crisis of the media, and most of it has suffered science journalism Thus, despite clear signs that Russia is surely among the post-industrial period of its development, today there is a narrowing of scientific issues on the agenda of national media. Note that the information market emerged media products that combine previously incompatible typological characteristics. Therefore, the changes that occurred and are occurring in the media, not only require explaining their causes, but also the clear knowledge of the workings of the periodical, the conditions of formation of its thematic structure, specification of goal-setting and the impact on the public. It is necessary to clarify the true causes of the loss of its leading position in the national press to popularize scientific knowledge to comprehend the strengthening of the role of the regional press in the implementation of the information function of the media and the scientific community established by their magazines suffer from inadequate funding. Addressing these urgent tasks can become an additional and necessary resource to attract attention to the problems of Russian science, enhance the prestige of scientific knowledge. Relevant info-communication problems are also to literary and public logs.
However, active-minded researchers, significantly Realizing the need of society to develop and improve existing public relations, do not get tired to refer to this subject, which took place in the South of Russia in the last two years. Magazine as the phenomenon is increasingly becoming the subject of a media-science. This tendency to see the uniqueness of the most recent period, the beginning of the XXI century, and its relationship with the trends of previous eras. On this basis, to identify general and specific features in different types of magazines, as well as in various national tradition. Examples include the following research papers: Natalia Lamosova PhD thesis «Formation of publishing on the Don and Kuban in the 1920 – early 1930» (Krasnodar, 2011), PhD. dissertation of Dana Kufanovа «Interaction of information, info-communication and genre characteristics in the evolution of regional media» (Maikop, 2011), Proceedings of the Rostov monographic Professor Victoria Smeyuha «Questions of Medialogıcal» (P-N / A, 2013), a monograph of the Astrakhan associate professor Naila Baybatyrova «Publications in third wave of Russian emigration» (Astrakhan, 2014). And also, next to little or already scientific experts – contemporary regional students, in particular, analyzing the context of modern genre of printed materials in relation to Adygea, student of «Maykop State Technological University» Bela Zhachemuk (ST-5), who won more than one prize for student scientific conferences and in university competitions, and one of the articles of her project as a case in point is potentially the most effective in terms of research topics («classification specificity of the interview»). Nevertheless, given our works are small, in accordance with their own objectives of the mosaic, they are not overtaken the entire base of scientific and popular periodicals, and adding some flavor to the set, sometimes very constricted time periods.
Production of printed (in particular, as a book, and newspaper and magazine) unit that has its own characteristics, characterized in that the result is the product of mental, covering scientific and informational, educational, artistic and moral needs of the consumer. According to one of the cognitive tradition, the most actively developed in medialogıcal V.I.Shtepa except polar opposing phenomena, there are transitional, combining, for example, the properties of the magazine and newspaper; in the object space are considered publications having essential features of the magazine, but not strictly distinguished from related phenomena. These are the two media included in the coffee department of the classic work B.M.Gorodetsky «Periodicals Kuban-Black Sea region: the 1863-1925» (reissued in 2010 to adapt to the present level as the initiative of professor Yu.Luchinskogo). This edition of «Knowledge – force» (a two-week body unpublished since 1918) and the newsletter «Soviet Adygea» (party-center, there was one room, with solid volume and circulation model, in Krasnodar, 1925). The study of regional magazines both in terms of typology and in other angles conducted not only by philologists and critics, but also by specialists of all kinds of close and distant communities, such as: Bibliology, computer science, bibliography, theory of journalism befitting industry specialty. So PhD thesis N.Lamosovа (majoring 05.25.03 «Library science and bibliology») given to this rather topical issues in the current time, understandable activity today published print, which has its own history of development. Or other publication of an author. Resulting in probable and possible strategies to potentially improve enumerated by itself in the flaws and vices (and relatively true for improvement items) V.Smeyuha in the above work makes a serious matter. It is logical and harmonious designs and structures is very necessary in today's society technology gain specialized level and capacity of the existing nationwide media and a subject area for the preservation and dissemination of its positive power. And, in particular, in relation to the research area of Adygea, on the one hand, its a log space are subject to the historical and theoretical advances that are associated with the names and H. Beretar, Z. Кhuako whose works today are the main scientific foundation for the description and analysis of the information space of Adygea. Thanks to them, the history of the Adyghe print from the time of its foundation is represented by encyclopedic. On the other hand, logs in this regard have been investigated much weaker newspapers. And in general, the media Adyge no such general works on modern theoretical basis, which are formed on the material of the regional media, as it did today already mentioned V.Smeyuha.
Опубл.: Khuako F. PRIORITY IN.... // Materials of the I International scientific and practical conference, «Science and Education», – 2014. Volume 9. Philological sciences. Political science. – Sheffield: Science and education LTD. – 96 р. – Р. 87-90.