Available in today global (especially Russian) society demographic decline in the level primary degree in the country is caused by the ongoing public policy, taking into account (in the development of society) or ignored (in running society) resident lifestyle. To determine the significance of civilized societies is how the meaning of cultivating such attributes, health forming technology merge in this semantic space with such components of the modern world, the ideology of personality and ideology of mass. The need for such a policy in the cultivation of a healthy lifestyle, including through sports instruments, most mobile and effective among possible, took place at different times.
Illustrative examples of the arguments in this direction, clearly illustrating the extent of the cultivation in the Soviet Union of the past century, can be easily traced to the released today, in 2013, a collection of memoirs of well-known intellectuals, «four other times. Memoirs on the background of the century», compiled by I.Obolenskiy (Moscow). And in the journalism topics in existence for the fate of their way of life, and prefer to cultivate in the country, it is very common. At the same time the most common tendency is mainly being vicious. However, its components are not always portrayed as a negative quality of speaking, because they can be seen in their personal biographies. In particular, in the frame of the biographical opera figures Balanchivadze (brothers Andrew and George) is present in connection with the reproach towards smoking father's version of possible developments from the son of the first of the brothers. Lamenting the lack of information about why his father died, Jarji bright episode is sure: «He was not going to die, he was a very healthy man». Talking about the facts of the case, even illnesses, he claims to be present in family members confidence in his constant recovery. And lamenting the fact that in this case no one could even formulate a diagnosis, the son makes a very philosophical and compelling conclusion: «People do not die because that is sick, so sick that he must die». However Jarji not assign the cause of death of the active enthusiasm father a cigarette when no portrait without a cigarette. Apparently, there is a kind of logic, since the speaker himself addicted to this vice, considering it passed to himself from his father: «My mother once asked my father to have worked on. As a result, he called me to his sister and asked, «I'm thinking straight? I have good health? So, keep in mind – since my childhood I was smoking!» And we all dymim» [4: 37].
And not only in the memories of opera figures, but also in the reasoning of the famous Soviet artists and emotionally describes itself condemned these vicious tone depending significantly lower a man and deprive him of the honor. Thus, the artists Ilya and Cyril Zdaneviches creators of Pirosmani «The artist lived in cellars and miserable huts, hungry, often sick, drank a lot. It was said that he «drank to work, and worked to drink». At the end of his life, wine is increasingly replaced by vodka» [4: 220]. Either these same brothers – about Michael Le Dante, descendants of Russified Frenchmen, their fellow students at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. While acknowledging that it was a great expert of his hand and the most «seeing an artist of his time», they have to state their legacy given to much wine, «Every now and then, coming to him, I found him drunk or slept after drinking. Ledantyu ashamed, trying to hide their lack of, but the wine was too strong for him» [4: 222], so that is narrators suggest alcohol as the cause of his death.
At the same time this theme (health hazards dependence) is present in modern journalism, which gained in 2015 the Nobel Prize – a prose Svetlana Aleksievich. As shares his impressions of the temptations of tobacco in journalism S.Aleksievich one of the characters («soldier, scout») of her book «Zinc boys», he said, starting feared getting used to. Knowing that to the different varieties of a (tobacco, alcohol, narcotics) drinking is a danger quickly become addicted, and then there is virtually no chance to get rid of this dependence («Then they all smoked, otherwise you will die, nerves burst» [1 : 137]). And so, even though a clear understanding of available social prohibitions widely accepted as a strict «prohibition» reservist narrator, describing feelings, to some extent explains the human impotence before this temptation: «But it is necessary to relieve the tension. Forget. The pilaf sprinkled grass, a mess ... Eyes - half a ruble ... At night, you see, like a cat. Light as a bat» [1: 137].
Whether such arguments about the life experience of the character Gena Yushkevich (then – twelve teenager now – journalist) other journalistic book («The Last Witnesses») by the same author S.Aleksievich. In addition to the emphasis on zdravo- dependent arguments in these memories and this fact is evaluated with a patriotic point of view – the special importance and weight of the Soviet period, especially – during the war years. For example, the teenager returned home, having taken up a cigarette and lit it enters the field of view of the mother, who in his argument focuses on the fact that the eating of enemy (German) cigarettes can confidently indicate treason. And this argument when exposed to youthful minds in the first part of XX century., formed in the years of the war itself with the Germans, clearly it worked: a cigarette was the last.
Against the background outlined above global disposition of mankind to clear physical defects is quite acceptable to talk about today need of indoctrination. In fact, it is about giving a healthy lifestyle (including sports) status ideology centuries. A manifestation of the sport shows in the command-administrative regimes like the Soviet. This structure is intensively cultivated «sport for the benefit of the Motherland», in particular, the physical education program training is noteworthy and loyal party of GTO. Here we have a semantic saturation of the mission patriotism (not the individual, not collective, and nation-wide): winner embodies his country and is opposed to his rival win her beliefs (country or state system). In Soviet times, there was a tendency in the construction of a number of national sports dominant when many of the steps of the state apparatus justified desire for a so-called «health of the nation». A competitor has only a performer of party tasks, and any manifestation of personal professionalism considered «capitalist delights» and strictly rejected on the background of the physical manifestations of «mass culture».
Target setting, inherent in this kind of activity, including reflex subspecies such as self-control and self direction. This occurs through a reasonable effort associated mechanical tools for the proclamation of the highest considerations for the sake of society and its members. And this is realized by the greatest effort, and sometimes – a major risk; but as a result of the sport it is in the direct vicinity of the kindred of targets in some creative activity (for example, the production of artistic or scientific-technical constructions, etc..), as a whole, giving periodic progressivity being. This setting therefore assumes if accepted, national, secular components of the unique sport.
This phenomenon is quite limited for centuries close chronological boundaries. This, at the same time, duplicate such a factor giving and historicism, and social tone, manifested in various degrees of intensity in different historical epochs. For instance, do not designate another in a long century as a sport identical social phenomenon took place in the ancient civilizations called «revels» (with the same numbers, competition and the desire for personal achievement). As noted on the scrutiny of this problem the researcher sports culture Boris Dubin (Moscow, 2004), assigned to the game of sport competitions, his relativity examined by such scholars as the Dutch at the beginning of the last century, Johannes Huizinga, his modern French successor, Roger Caillois (classification games) and etc.; In addition, in support of the above, the aesthetics of the sport learned today and in the new century German philosopher Wolfgang Welsch, French humanists, sociologists and political scientists – Michel Maffesoli, Pierre Sanso, Paul Jonne and so on. [3]
Upon further review of the concept of scientists (called B.Dubin) continuing one another, consistently dedicated to merrymaking, including examples of a general collectivization home modifications and metamorphoses enchanting, magical in everyday life, that is, in general, the mechanism of the mystic, his equipment operating in society and individually. In addition, a similar theme was studied in detail and the North Caucasus researchers. In particular, the available and common in ancient Adyghe (Circassian) society revels in the sport as the inverse image detail and scientifically consider in today's national sociology professor B.H.Bgazhnokov. One of the most recent on the subject – it is his monograph «Foundations of humanistic ethnology» (Moscow, 2003). From the point of view of a scientist, merrymaking can be considered a fight. In such a cultural background traces the relationship between this form of life and way of life of the individual militant ethnic groups. Some data semantic categories, or rather, their figurative embodiment, of course, included organically mechanisms iconic design, belonging to different faiths ages and ethnicities. In particular, while diverse, is not isolated and, in addition, quite divergent technology management body, worsening physical potentials prevalent in the ancient (eg, Indian, Chinese, and others) Civilizations. But sociologically comparing the ritual and religious traditions of ancient civilizations with clear trends today in the sports culture of life, another modern researcher B.Dubin represents a number of fundamental differences, such as: firstly, the acquisition by centuries of accessibility; secondly, the transition of sports activities with the amateur to the professional level; thirdly, the possibility of occurrence of a given medium at different levels (including elite specialists); fourth, the development of appropriate technologies and training devices. [3]
The strict implementation of this activity-school, its design allows triumph, rapturous ecstasy embrace and reason, and the scope of the senses in the case of the successful development of the battle. In particular, the North Caucasus (including Circassian) ethnic representatives among the dominant value priorities for centuries (and to this day) had a desire to become famous as the brave, masterful rider. Specific in relation to such effort and divergence settings, assumptions, permits in the personal self-esteem Circassian acting as a socially mature enough to figure. Through the efforts of this (more often – collective) plan are the following: the inconsistency between personal and group interests; conflict between the recognition of the leader and the proclamation of equality; sudden danger and pragmatic calculation; physical and mental disabilities (against a background of a different perception of society and the first and second).
And it is this value orientation makes weightless already at an early age by any Soviet or Circassian, a representative of duty to community (not just others of his countrymen, but also society as a whole, and even the – future generations). As a result of these circumstances may be claimed as some opposing positions on the importance of the distribution of the two cardinal truths – freedom and coherence (person or group). This contradiction is manifested fully in the post-Soviet society, namely, the loss of regulatory limits and zabyvshem build new ones. And in Soviet times indoctrination sports have a significant ingredient of mass politics and acted quite successful mechanism required and based on such social categories as «culture», «literature» and attributed to him–- «ethnic group», «history», etc. In this regard, and consider further literary, more often – like the embodiment of journalistic focus in the various examples of Russian text (or any other art) work.
At the same time a significant transformation in the socialist space, and sometimes after, is subject to substantial part of the phenomenon of youth as a component of the human body. The corresponding state is represented as brand symbols of the state and its system of compulsory observed embodiment of the benefit of its members stable and guaranteed damage to the enemy. Based on the fact that the ruling in Soviet society convictions (sometimes getting up today) allow to get involved in the competition, strive to win and overcome, be filled with muscle power and revel in the power of the prize is not so much for himself as for the country, trying to suppress her coming antihero.
The identity of the universal, viewed often and everywhere antihero, accompanied by a young athlete, and at the time of its preparation, and during the period of the competition, and in the epoch of its awards. However, once an hour is coming, and when his desire to have a decent form cease to belong to him as a representative of the youth. Beyond the limits of such training paraphernalia, taking into account the physical capacity of the body, in fact, necessarily becomes pessimistic about their own care of complaints, followed by constant complaints about their condition. However, on the other hand, possible as opposed to this thesis, some exceptions, and then such a figure (older, but not surrendering) look in the eyes of society heroes, brave and active. So, for example, known in the Soviet Union choreographer, founder of the Folk Dance Ensemble Igor Moiseyev, who gave an interview a few months before his death, and being at the age of ninety years to convince the interlocutor that it is able to conduct the rehearsal. «What's so surprising? You think old for this? Many people think it is strange that in the ninety and can be taught to dance. And I, when kids complain that movement which I ask, can not be done, get up and do it yourself» [4: 143].
And here, in «Memoirs ...» interviewed the choreographer comes to understanding the phenomenon of youth rather philosophically, treating it as a precondition for future human existence, containing invested in it and pop later efforts: «It is important to understand that the time of his youth, when everyone gets away with it pass, be sure to pay the bills. That's the way life is. For each correct step she'll reward, but for the error, respectively, punishes. Nobody here is no advantage there. Our life consists of what we put into it. And more than you put into it, can not be obtained» [4: 144]. Besides, we should also note the specificity of the profession of the speaker, as the dance as one of the elements of art for centuries played a clear manifestation of man. Explaining a representative mission of dance as a component of infinity, the German professional Maria Gabrielle Vozien today asserts the possibility of its implementation in the dance circle through the exchange of energy and correlates it with the natural elements of the gesture: «The people it helps to know yourself and others. Movements like seaweed swaying in the water. Many are of the rich and colorful nature: the flight of birds, the flowers bloom. Nature provides us salutary influence» [2].
In this activity, inherent in the human body, most often required to view the group leader, holds a leading position in the professional interpersonal competition and thus gained their relevant authorities attribute a symbolic sign: scientists refer to those staffs and wands. Similarly, the Circassians and the rod is obliged to draw the attention of the masses, is bright and personable. It is specifically and carefully trimmed with scatterings of equilibrium nuts (selected by size), as well as all matching colorful tissue fragments, striking and instantly eye-catching. There is also a symbol: a handle located on a man-made (mostly of wood) figurine of a particular bird (more often – an eagle, sometimes – hawk); as in the past – the head of the goat, symbolizing heathen man (god Dionysus to the Greeks). It should be emphasized that the leading party leadership ritual dancers are not items such as operating their energy tools, but only because there are such things Guides broadcasting power of the sender and sends it to the recipient. Adygеs «wedding general» (dzheguako (hatiyako)) declares pathetic dance leader, calls it, and in that moment when he goes to the site, it sends the corresponding melody described above us symbolic baton. Such a moving leader, armed with a recognized instrument of the people, will automatically acquire the status of a heavenly messenger who builds it into the elite category among tribesmen. Like dancing in the ritual are often leaders in different civilizations were shamans. In particular, O.Greyg leads this classification: the Lapps – Noida, the Hungarians – Taltos, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz – Bakshi, the Roma – shamankichovali. In Turkey, there is a professional group of dancing dervishes suffix – Bektashi, acts and movements, with which the executable and including them in a trance, shamanic identical. Sometimes tossing individual searches, invents godlike idol and able to enter into direct dialogue to calm him with his fate, trying to prevent any shocks to smooth it, and wanting to get rid of anxiety for their perspectives and their environment (family or professional). The analogy also holds O.Greyg shamanism and rituals of the civilizations of Central and South America, South Africa and Australia, indicating the most significant is the quality of ritual dances, their identity, independent of territories. Already in this, and even then viewed the social function of competition symbolism of physical movements, then lined up the sport as a concept, has consistently included in a set of characteristics for a representative of today's society, regardless of gender relatedness.
The Caucasian civilization feature dance leader is traditionally assigned to the most respected in society tribesman – Elder, aristocrats, wealthy, and this can be considered a direct reflection taking place in the society of those years of class divisions, where agriculture is clearly in sight society (aul) (and his background - and nationwide) veneration of the leaders in the social role of some «heroes of the time» (often – is also accompanied by staff). Here it is possible to draw an analogy with the fact that in ancient Greece, where residents were not being for themselves, not controlled by the gods, the leader dances often represented fertility god Dionysus (remember the goat's head adorns the scepter Circassians). There are direct myths in whom the fact of the birth of being associated directly with the dance of the gods. Accordingly, Indian religions, in particular, being born and is building its substance appears through inclusiveness sagging, what is emitted by grabbing all around, the dancing god Shiva. In this mythology, it should be stressed, confident and actively accompanied the massive delights modernistic art direction at various stages of their development (Golem, a clay giant, supposedly created by a rabbi to protect the Jewish people), and continues to do so to this day (The Terminator, a cyborg future, capable of think). At the same time and the Circassians in the mountain Shapsugia (as in the previous century and today) in the conventional process is popularly dance «udzh» necessarily pre-determined by a dance leader, meet stringent requirements and very overpriced. In particular, the leader of the dances mostly determined respected elder, and always from a number of invitees. Just such a representative was expected as capable of effectively lead the masses on its way to the goal. And this motivation is understandable. First, a national consciousness has lived a full life tribesman habitually regarded the Caucasus as the current mentality of the ancestor, and thus recognized the best representative of the people before the gods. Secondly, as the guest, he was at the peak under consideration it merits and even more intensively because meet the required criteria are idealistic.
In the course of the above trends, actively flooded and continue to fill the global world, the body (or rather, modifications manifestations in society and personal position of the body) remains as a kind of sign of personal and mass characterological. As such, they were in Soviet times. For example, it is in our coverage, «Memoirs ...» arguments about the desire to live and stay healthy hero of the Soviet space pilot Alexei Maresiev left without legs, but still sat down at the helm of the aircraft. When asked about what helped to survive, do not give up, he is responsible, resulting in a saving hope helps him to put out their own hallucinations: «The desire to live. The desire to get to his. <...> And then I have ten days was a hallucination of vision. <...> The biggest treat was the birch sap. I wanted to bite, and the tree itself, but where there was no power. <...> When the pain began to pass, I saw fresh sawdust. And I began to think: just dust, so people should come for firewood. Dug a hole in the snow, spruce branches overlaid and waited. So these 18 days have passed. <...> In general, the time passed very quickly. I was here the other day 85 marks. <...> In general, the first place in my life – it's health» [4: 155].
Either others see us as a source of modern journalism: that's how the soul pours some conscript conducted the «mother» in her Sv.Aleksievich have received the Nobel Prize book («Zinc Boys»), thereby drawing a mandatory then, but not too much for her and her son coveted, Army lifestyle «Sounded horn, I caught: will lead to physical exercises, suddenly see him again, at least from afar. They run, all in the same striped T-shirts – missed, not spotted. They went to the toilet systems are built on physical exercises, to build the cafeteria» [1: 73]. On these, manifested in such descriptions of the formation or decay, conflict or harmony, progress or regress of different variants of the body perception by society as a phenomenon, it is possible to reproduce chronologically and analytically current state of society in different epochal moments. Either mandatory in Soviet policy enthusiasm sports training categorical stands as a worthy person, that states have S.Aleksievich another text witness («ordinary shooter»), explaining the patriotic duty of his moral (and Sports – physical) willingness to speak out against the enemy for the sake of the Motherland «He asked me to send to support the revolutionary will of the Afghan people. ... We need help to substitute fraternal shoulder ... Was going to war in advance. I did sports. He studied karate ...» [1: 116]. Therefore, here the reader is ready to happen to him in the circumstances of the Afghan military success due to a combination similar to the above factors (including physical): «The first dead ... An Afghan boy, seven years old ... He lay with his arms outstretched, like a dream. And next deployed belly frozen horse ... Somehow survived, probably because the military had read books». [1: 117]. A similar set of circumstances, completes the PATH achievements can be traced and another witness events («ordinary, Scout») is S.Aleksievich. It also produces identical memories emphasis (other than patriotism) to own a sports fitness, since universal anthem of the USSR, but coming to a more thorough level of detail of its muscle, «Before the first fight ... Including Hymn of the Soviet Union. He said the political officer. I remember that world imperialism does not sleep, but at home waiting for us as heroes. How will I kill, I can not imagine. Before the army was engaged in cycling, the muscles are pumped myself that I was afraid, did not touch anybody» [1: 136].
However, the move is on personal approach to politics nationwide. The tendency is that publicly available over the past century and more intensively – to the beginning of the century the new are not just instruments of hygiene and cosmetic attributes, but also actively advertised techniques of solid building in sports, dance, exercise, and the other suggesting movement institutions . This directly polynomials with many participants and public lighting technology made the order, as well as a set of the necessary mechanical structures are perceived today and actors and spectators as the same one innovative package of measures, entertaining and engaging. In addition, joining in plot structure, any group often is his own man, allegedly disposed of on behalf of the team to engage in effective contact with fatumnymi parties and events. Hence the emergence and development of competition as the characterological category of sports activities with the possibility of identity as its toolkit to universal achievements and the potential of a competitive show achieved fruit (personal and corporate, non-professional and specialized).
1. Aleksievich S. Zinc boys. – M.: Time, 2013.
2. Bgazhnokov B.H. Grounds humanistic ethnology. – M.: Publishing House of the Peoples' Friendship University, 2003. – 272 p.
3. Dubin B. Sport, Culture and the cult of the body in contemporary society: notes to the study // http://polit.ru/article/2004/12/16/sport/
4. Four different era. Memoirs on the background of the century / Sost. I.V.Obolensky. – M.: AST, 2013. – 320 p.
5. Vozien V.G. The sacred dance – a prayer in motion // http://www.idance.ru/show.php?id_a=964
Опубл.: Khuako F.N. Sport as a tool of healthy lifestyle and its reflection in literature // International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science. – Warsaw - 2017. - June 15. – 1(3). – P. 84-90
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